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Thu 21 Mar 2024 15:45 - 16:10 at Meeting Rooms B110-112 - Global Chair(s): Joël Porquet-Lupine

Comparative studies help to advance computer science (CS) education; however, existing research frameworks for CS Education (CSE) in schools are mostly Western-centric. This paper aims to complement these findings with insights into CSE in a non-Western country, by isolating specific approaches in teaching CS which could be applied in other countries and contexts. Due to the close cooperation between the German and Japanese universities, to which the authors belong, an exchange about Japanese CS education was found to be particularly profitable. This paper seeks to establish this insight from two perspectives: The intended and enacted CS curriculum. Background research to the revised Japanese CS curriculum standard from 2018, governmental initiatives and studies of Japanese CS literacy provided a theoretical frame of Japanese CSE. To complement these findings with the enacted curriculum, four interviews were conducted with Japanese CS teachers from different schools. Using the qualitative content analysis of Mayring, general statements of the enacted Japanese CS curriculum were isolated and, in context with the background research, related to Western implementations. Therefore, this paper summarizes findings of Japanese CSE which differ from Western approaches as learned concepts, worth considering enhancing future CSE with new methods. These include a holistic way to implement CS in elementary schools, a resource for extensive standards regarding ethics in CS, and structures for integrated teacher training.

Thu 21 Mar

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15:45 - 17:00
GlobalPapers at Meeting Rooms B110-112
Chair(s): Joël Porquet-Lupine University of California, Davis
Computer Science Education - What Can We Learn from Japan?Global
Markus Sprenger TU Dresden, Nadine Bergner RWTH Aachen University, Thiemo Leonhardt TU Dresden, Ryuta Yamamoto Shizuoka University
[CANCELLED] NaijaCoder: Participatory Design for Early Algorithms Education in the Global SouthCancelledGlobalMSI
Daniel Alabi Columbia University, Atinuke Adegbile Global Integrated Education Volunteers Association (GIEVA), Lekan Afuye Cornell University, Philip Abel Twilio, Inc., Alida Monaco ICF International
AI Teaches the Art of Elegant Coding: Timely, Fair, and Helpful Style Feedback in a Global CourseGlobal
Juliette Woodrow Stanford University, Ali Malik Stanford University, Chris Piech Stanford University