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Fri 22 Mar 2024 19:00 - 22:00 at Meeting Rooms B110-112 - Workshop

What are the Java programming components most of us still using version 8 are missing out on? (And for those that don’t know… version 21 is coming!) What should we be using in our professional and instructional careers that can be easily integrated into the classes being taught today? Other than Java is used as the AP Language, Java is the #1 in technology trends such as Big Data, Blockchain, IoT and Cloud development using OOP, Functional, and Data-driven coding paradigms. It is also the #1 language in overall development in professional organizations.

Updating our instructional knowledge will help our students get closer to industry development skills required for their career. To provide students with the skills they need to succeed in today’s modern software teams, it is important they have experience with the latest and most productive language versions, tools, and processes and get into the habit of always adopting the latest as expected in modern SDLC processes. This evolution began in the high tech industry and is being adopted in other software development shops at an accelerated pace.

In this interactive workshop using an active learning environment, featuring Heather Stephens, Head of Java in Education at Oracle, we explore different coding facets that are critical not just for our students’ learning, but their understanding as they move on into industry. Some of the topics that will be included are: implicit classes, JavaFX, Data-Driven programming with Visualization and ways to integrate ML/AI into your teaching.

Fri 22 Mar

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